The Beginning: A Love Letter To Autumn


A close friend of mine, in an attempt to make me write more often, came up with a really interesting idea for this blog which I’m starting today. In order to experiment with new structures for poetry, he thought it would be fun (and beneficial) to try and write the same poem in different layouts, rhyming schemes etc, posting a new variation of the poem once a week if possible.

This week I was thinking of beginning this series with something in the usual style I write in and we’ll see how it progresses/evolves as the weeks go on! I stepped out this morning into my favourite kind of weather when the air feels icy and clean and the sun is shining through an abundance of wilting leaves. Autumn is my absolutely favourite time of year and I’m so happy it’s starting to make an appearance- so much so I cried walking to school (I know). But I thought I’d use this happy season to be the stimulus for this project, Autumn being the “he” in this love letter.

I hope your week has began well.


. . .

I fell in love with the way he came with the ease of changing seasons,

swept into my life like burnt sienna leaves in a winter gale;

the way that he was the first breath of crisp, autumnal air.

The gentle rise of my chest as I inhale through parted lips,

feel the tiptoe of dancing breeze stroke my throat

as if fragile fingers gently plucking the ivory keys of a piano.


Beams of fresh sunlight smiles piercing the somnolent morning,

the crack of golden rays, not dissimilar to delicate curves of his hair,

creating a subtle warmth to melt away the frosty dew settled upon

each emerald blade- illuminated like fairy lights decorating the floor.

He spoke in cotton wool clouds, softly, words subtly advancing

through spaces between his hazelnut eyes and mine.

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