The Foyle Poem- 10:47 pm


I hope you are well and having a wonderful 2016.

Something I haven’t really shared with you is I was lucky enough to be commended in the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2015- unless you know me personally in which case… I just need 5 more minutes?

On 8th October 2015, I traveled up to London to an award ceremony in the Southbank Centre where I met a bunch of wonderful poets and received a handful of prizes including a membership to the Poetry Society *squeals*. We stayed in London for the rest of the day to see the National Poetry Day live event which was incredible. I got to see poets such as Patience Agbabi and Imtiaz Dharker perform as well as receive a talk by the amazing installation artist Robert Montgomery. It was an amazing opportunity.

Anyway, I thought I would share the poem I entered with you. I started writing this at 10:47 pm one night (woah crazy) and kept writing (and rewriting) until 3 am while listening to the rain on my window. It is quite stream of conscious-y and in all honesty, I am not a huge fan but oh well 😉


. . .

There’s nothing comforting

about this storm;

I’ve learnt not to care much

for these warped raindrop

kind of nights when spring breeze

competes with itself to the

point of crescendo.

The howling wind is

a faulty lullaby now,

all creaking gates and no rhythm.

Sunken bones succumb

to the cement of a mattress-

I shift slightly,

cover my ears as if I were an infant

with eyes like cracked windows,

ajar doors,

screeching car alarms.

They will leave nothing about

me a “secret”.

It’s 10:47 pm

and by no means late.

Still an aching sense of absence quakes

profusely inside of my chest;

I can never seem to shake this feeling

that something is missing.

I am too often still awake when

3 am pervades across my room

like familiar perfume,

clinging to my skin.

I wear tiredness like an oversized jumper-

it wasn’t meant for me but

I guess somewhere between

the first few moments in darkness

and midnight thunderstorms,

I’ve convinced myself that

it’s the only thing that fits.


3 thoughts on “The Foyle Poem- 10:47 pm

  1. Being commended in the Foyle is a real achievement, congratulations, and attending the awards ceremony surrounded by a world of poetry must have been a great experience for you and I hope it leads on to greater things. The poem is good, its sense of an unfurling night during which external phenomena become converted into internal response is good. I like the notion of “an aching sense of absence quakes deep inside my chest” and its evocation of timeless yearning.

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